I said shame because I
expected him to join the black solidarity movement. The level of racism and
neglect at this year’s Oscar nomination is irritating.
I said Shame because
despite calls in some quarters for him to boycott the Oscars, it was recently revealed
that Chris Rock isn't pulling out of hosting for the Oscars. In fact, an
impeccable source has it that he's even working on a whole new script.
Anyways, what else do
you expect when the Academy Awards producer Reginald Hudlin has already eulogized
him in a chat with Entertainment Tonight, calling him "hard at work."
Read what he said
after the cut….
"He and his
writing staff locked themselves in a room,""As things got a little
provocative and exciting, he said, 'I'm throwing out the show I wrote and
writing a new show.' "
The producer also
said Chris would be including some #OscarsSoWhite jokes during the show.
"And, yes, the Academy is ready for him to do that," "They're
excited about him doing that. They know that's what we need. They know that's
what the public wants, and we deliver what the people want. "Chris is that
thorough,""He's that brilliant, and I have 1000 percent confidence
that he will deliver something that people will be talking about for
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