"I am a Model, I don't have to go Naked to prove to anyone that I am a Model..." Miss Polo2016 Queen Monalisa Chides Models Flaunting Nude Photos

Monalisa Owhondah is the current winner of Miss Polo beauty pageant 2016. The pageant provides a platform that gives young ladies the opportunity to help the less privileged and physically challenged children through humanitarian projects.
In this interview with Trendy Gist Blogazine, she talks about her experiences and more things she hopes to achieve with her title; nudity and the future of beauty pageantry in Nigeria.

TGB: Good evening. For the sake of this interview, please, may know you....
Miss Polo: Hello good evening I am Queen Monalisa Owhondah current Miss Polo Nigeria 2016.

TGB: What's your educational background?
Miss Polo: I attended Oliver Heights Model school in Port Harcourt where I did my Nursery, Primary and Secondary education. I was the Sanitary Prefect in school.  Currently I am a third year student of the University of Port harcourt studying Biochemistry

TGB: Queen Monalisa, what exactly led you into pageantry? Again, as a student, how do you juggle your academics with your status as Miss Polo?
Miss Polo: I've always loved pageantry while growing up  as a  child.  I saw it a platform to reach out to people and touch lives positively.

Again, as the daughter of an educationist I've always learnt to take my studies seriously and personally I don't joke with it. I am currently doing my industrial training  (IT) in a medical lab. As a Queen I know how to manage my time effectively, and when I reach out to youths during seminars, I  always encourage them to take their studies very serious

TGB: Now, what is Miss Polo pageant all about? Again, what's your take on pageantry generally in Nigeria?
Miss Polo: It's a platform that gives young ladies the opportunity to help the less privileged and physically challenged children. Every new Queen that emerges continues with the project.

Pageantry generally in Nigeria is suppose to be a platform where young girls emerges as Queens to carry out charitable works but most Queens just sit and do nothing for the rest of their reign because the organisers see it as a means of income during the event  and then wait for the next edition

TGB: So, how does it feel to be crowned winner of Miss Polo 2016, and what Pet project are you embarking on....?
Miss Polo: My joy knew no bounds when I  was being crowned I felt so fullfilled  and happy. Again, as Miss Polo, I focused my pet project on the physically challenged children, I visited the kids and asked them what they needed, and they requested for a tennis ball court, basketball court and a football pitch, which I  did and It was supported by  Survivinghigh (organisers of Miss Polo)
This project was commissioned on children day may 28th 2016 at Compassion home Nkpogu

TGB: (Cuts in...) That's beautiful....

Miss Polo: Yes! On the 28th of this month my boss, Mrs Ibife Alufohai is bringing together the entire beauty Queens in the Niger Delta region headed by me, Miss Polo and it is tagged QUEENS INVASION.

We are going to feed people in the street, give out clothes, shoes, bags, belts, food items, toiletries etc to people these days.
And in the evening of 28th September in Presidential hotel Angel D'laugh along side rivers state commissioner for Youths and Development will host the Queens to encourage and celebrate our charity works

TGB: (Cuts in again)...from your explanation, it means a model is supposed to be an Icon of Values and a quintessence of Morals.
Miss Polo: Exactly...

TGB: However, the social media especially Instagrm is already polluted with raunchy photos of female models. How may we relate these situations.
Miss Polo: Different  people have different views and opinion about modelling. Personally, I don't encourage nudity as a form of modelling. I am a model and I don't have to  go naked to prove to anyone that I am a  model.  I have high moral standard and I can't compromise that. I've seen so many successful models that are decent

TGB: That's good.
Miss Polo: Thanks.

TGB: In the same vein, there's this speculation that models sleep with Pageant organisers to win crowns. In fact, some models have actually opened up to me that they were asked to spread their legs to get crowned. Share your experiences.....
Miss Polo: I've heard of such gruesome stories but fortunately for me I've never encountered such a horrible experience. I was former face of Rhodies World Magazine and I won strictly on merit. I didn't have to sleep with anyone or buy my way through, because, I believe so much in myself.

The current organiser of Miss Polo Nigeria, Mrs Ibife Alufohai is a decent and God fearing woman and would never tolerate that. So I can happily say that I am truly blessed by God. And I never wish to encounter such an experience. Moreover  desperate girls with lowself esteem always fall in those snares.

TGB: What does style mean to you.....?
Miss Polo: Style is a definition of you, what makes you stand out and unique. It's simply what your comfortable in and what fits you.

TGB: You look so beautiful, how do you keep fit....?
Miss Polo Madam: I drink alot of water , do mild exercise, and eat alot of fruits and vegetables

TGB: That's good for your health
Miss Polo: Yes

TGB: Talking about pageantry in Nigeria, what do you think we can do to make pageantry a source of revenue for the state and employment opportunity for individuals. I mean how can we improve the financial viability of pageant shows in this season of economic recession.
Miss Polo: I think every Queen that emerges should have a pet project that will focus on youth empowerment and that way it will reduce the number of jobless graduate and create self employment. That way revenue will be generated in the economy

TGB: Do you support any form of regulation by government to checkmate pageant organisers who allegedly are trying to make pageantry or modelling to be synonymous to prostitution.

Miss Polo: YES of course, I think Government should checkmate pageant organisers and a standard should be set. Tickets selling, camp fee should be  scrapped. Things like that lure girls into prostitution because they have a target to meet in other to win. And most at times, the star prizes are not given.

TGB: Can you speak more on the Queen Invasion in Rrvers state. How may Bloggers and other media personalities be part of it...?
Miss Polo: It's the coming together of Queens to carry our a project. Most Queens after their crowning are left by their organizers but with this, they will be involved in a project courtesy Survivinghigh Foundation.

Top media houses like: Silverbird, NTA and cool fm, rhythm are already partnering with us in this project.

TGB: Finally, your word for aspiring models?
Miss Polo: I'll encourage them to always believe in themselves  and most importantly trust God Almighty

TGB: Thanks. It's been nice chatting with you. Thank you very much for your time.
Miss Polo: You are welcome.

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  1. Wow... Amazing chat, yes! "you musnt be nacked to prove your a model"... I support u all d way Queen Lisa... Original Ikwerre girl

  2. This is an inspiring interview esp with the functions of queens in excecuting projectd aimed at capacity development and community developmental services. You are doing Miss Polo 2016 and i encourage you to aspire high

  3. Wow I love this.perfect saying. I have always tell models that beauty pageantIts not all about nudity which they think. But it's a platform for women to showcase their inner beauty and personality. I love miss Polo platform it's all about hard work and persistence
